Aerodynamic Design and Analysis

Aerodynamics is the study of the movement of air and applies to the movement of other fluids. It is also the study of the way objects, such as cars, airplanes and wind turbines, interact with air when they are moving through a fluid.

Concept 2 GA CFD Euler @ 100 MPH

Aerodynamic Streamlines through Vex Wind Turbine

The wing shown here was designed to produce maximum downforce in a limited area for an accelerating vehicle. This wing design was the result of reviewing aerodynamic properties for hundreds of airfoils using wind tunnel, empirical and CFD results and has now become the standard for high speed drag jet boats.

Eppler 420 Tunnel Front Wing #1 w End Plates 2

Carbon Fiber Wing with large endplates

Bennett Analytics has the expertise to design wings for maximum lift (downforce in a race application), minimum drag, or the best combination of both. We can help you optimize an object’s aerodynamic design to eliminate vibration or whistling sounds due to a poorly designed aerodynamic shape. To optimize performance, we can reduce drag on a vehicle using CFD.

How can Bennett Analytics help you solve the aerodynamic issue that you are dealing with?

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is essentially a wind tunnel test performed on a computer. After defining the object with a Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing, the initial conditions are established to begin the process. These conditions include speed, density of the fluid and the angle of the object relative to the flow field direction. Computers solve equations of fluid motion by iterating thousands of times until a solution is reached. This solution results in forces and moments which define the aerodynamic properties of the vehicle or object being tested.

Race Wing Flow Field cropped

Aerodynamic Streamlines on wing endplate

Bennett Analytics is capable of solving two- or three-dimensional flow fields for either simple or complex objects.

Concept 2 GA CFD Euler @ 100 MPH cropped

Aerodynamic Streamlines through Vex Wind Turbine

Additionally, we have the ability to solve subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flow fields. We can develop or refine anything that moves through air or water.

Hypersonic Projectile cropped

Aerodynamic Streamlines over Hypersonic Projectile

Typical projects include race boat wing designs, hypersonic projectiles, and innovative wind turbine designs.


How can we help you design or improve your object or vehicle?

Motorsports Race Engineering

To be successful in motorsports racing, you must understand the entire vehicle and its individual systems. Bennett Analytics has been successful in the racing world for decades due to focusing on every detail and overall view of the vehicle. Many teams have relied on our expertise to solve tricky handling problems that can occur at all areas of the race course.

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Kjell Adams using our Carbon Fiber wing

Mark Mclaughlin Photography

From race vehicle design, installation, wing design & fabrication, hull modifications, data analysis and round by round vehicle tuning, we can handle any situation a race team might face.

Keel Mod small

Race Keel design on Jet-Drive tunnel Drag Boat


What issues are preventing you from being a winner, instead of running with the pack?

Product Development

Product development often revolves around the need to fix a problem or overcome potential dangerous situations. Bennett Analytics has significant experience in listening to customer concerns and requirements to define a solution, build a prototype, and provide testing prior to production.

                                          Vex Wind Turbine Prototype Drawings

Concept 2 GA v2 Front ISO View

Concept 2 GA v2 Rear ISO View


Listening and accurately defining the issue at hand is the most critical part of product development. We have a long history of creating cost effective solutions.

Kawasaki Drawing V2

Research & Development Drawings for Kawasaki Jet Ski Project














What product do you want to create and how can we help?

Spacecraft Engineering

Engineering for a spacecraft requires a multi-discipline approach. Each engineering area can, and will impact other disciplines. Bennett Analytics has the ability to work in a team environment with other disciplines due to having decades of experience working on the Space Shuttle program and having solid connections throughout the industry.

How can we help you with aerodynamic surface pressure development, wind tunnel testing, flight testing and dealing with your NASA or Department of Defense customer?

Systems Engineering

Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering systems. Systems engineering overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines, including various fields of engineering, organizational studies, and project management. Systems engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered and integrated into the whole. Bennett Analytics has expertise with the engineering fields necessary for successful system development, as well as design and implementation.

We recently completed a project for Sperry Farms, with the objective of automating farming functions using unmanned aerial and ground-based vehicles. By understanding the fundamental issues the customer faced, Bennett Analytics was well suited to evaluate and resolve the complex needs of the various systems.

How can we help you develop methods to overcome your complex issues?

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flyover Service

Bennett Analytics is a full service drone company. Our pilots are fully authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for commercial purposes.
FAA-Logo smallWe are capable of conducting precision agricultural studies with NDVI and LiDAR surveys. In addition, we have the ability to perform thermal inspections, and both 2D and 3D geographic mapping. We also offer hi-resolution imagery and videography, accurate up to 1 cm per pixel.

While primarily based on the West coast, we have pilots positioned across the United States and are willing to travel to meet our customer’s needs. In most instances, in the Southern California region we can be on-site within 24 hours. Depending on the necessary equipment and shipping constraints, all other locations would require travel time of one to two days.

Phantom_3_ Small_cropped

Phantom 3 flyover

We fly two DJI S1000’s which are mounted with the finest Gremsy Gimbals. The advantage of this system is our ability to load any of our camera systems. In some cases, we can load two cameras to capture both video and thermal imaging data simultaneously. We also have three DJI Phantom 3s, two of these with 4K video capability.

What project can we help you with using UAVs?

Wind Energy Systems

Because of our expertise in the field of aerodynamics, we were asked by Infinity Energy to develop a radical new wind turbine design using state of the art analysis tools. The wings for this turbine were selected and optimized using CFD and wind tunnel test data. The resulting design shown here will create substantial electric power and also offers many advantages over traditional designs. Two of the advantages of this innovative design include the absence of the “thumping sound” and “flicker” that are known to have adverse effects on people and animals. Because of its compact design, portable versions can be used wherever power is needed. With this radical and environmentally-friendly new design, birds and bats will be able to view the flat object in their path and avoid the turbine, unlike the typical 3-blade versions presently in use.

16in Nacelle Mk2 small

Drawing of Infinity Energy’s Vex Turbine


How can Bennett Analytics help you with your wind energy project?

Wind Tunnel Test Planning and Support

Wind tunnel testing requires an incredible amount of planning prior to and detailed execution during the test. For decades, Bennett Analytics has created pretest and post test reports, combined with testing support, for programs such as the Space Shuttle, Tomahawk cruise missile, and other classified programs. We can provide assistance so that you may fully understand the aerodynamic capability of your vehicle, which would include force and moment tests, pressure measurement tests, as well as dynamic fluctuation tests.

Space Shuttle Wind Tunnel Test in NASA 9′ x 7′ AMES Wind Tunnel

We can assist with wind tunnel model design and requirements, review of the model construction, perform model sign off, create pretest reports, plan the test, coordinate with the test facility, manage the model installation in the wind tunnel, conduct the test onsite, analyze the recorded data and write the post test report.


If you are overwhelmed with the idea of a wind tunnel test, or just need some help, give us a call.